Fake File Generator

Why Fake File Generator?

TestDataHub's Fake File Generator allows you to create files in various formats and sizes for testing purposes. This tool is particularly useful for developers and testers who need diverse file types for their projects.

  • Specify file sizes in KB or MB.
  • Generate files in multiple formats including TXT, CSV, PDF, DOC, XLSX, JSON, and more.
  • Bulk generate multiple files at once.
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How to Use?

Generate a Fake Files:

  1. Enter the number of rows (number of files to generate).
  2. Click "Add Row" to specify each file's details.
  3. For each row, select the file format.
  4. Enter the desired file size.
  5. Select the size unit (KB or MB).
  6. Click the "Generate Files" button.
  7. Download the ZIP folder containing all generated files.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What file formats can I generate?
You can generate files in various formats including TXT, CSV, PDF, DOC, XLSX, JSON, XML, HTML, MD, YAML, EXE, APK, IPA, BAT, ZIP, RAR, TGZ, APP, BASH, BIN, CMD, COM, COMMAND, DLL, MSI, OSX, PKG, PS1, REG, and SH.
Yes, you can specify the file size in either KB or MB.
Use the bulk generation feature:
  • Enter the number of rows (files) you need.
  • Click "Add Row" to specify each file's format and size.
  • Click "Generate Files".
  • Download the ZIP folder containing all generated files.
There is no set limit on the number of files you can generate, but it may depend on your device's processing capability.
No, you can use the tool without logging in or creating an account.
No, TestDataHub does not store any generated data, ensuring your privacy and security.
A ZIP folder containing all generated files will be available for download after clicking the "Generate Files" button.
Yes, the tool is completely free to use with no hidden fees.
If you have suggestions for additional file formats or features, please send an email to contact@testdatahub.com.

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